Be The Love 😍

Whats up everyone?

Such a sad is...right??

The nature's revenge on people...

The endless evolution of Corona disease...

List goes on...

Our problems and Their problems!

Oh ! Had enough!

Yet we fight to survive....And we go on and on...

What matters the most we ignore...

What doesn't matter is given priority...

I feel that people should realise...that everyone matters...

Every single human being...

There's a particular space that everyone should get...

The space to breathe...the freedom to think...and the freedom to do... whatever they like....

Because .. every one has dreams, desires, ideas, opinions, perspective to their own life...

May I ask you one question?

Are you actually doing what you like? Or what others want from you???

Just be honest to yourself...

If Yes, You have achieved your dreams...

If No, then why did we all fall for others needs???

If you dont feel like doing...just grab the courage and tel you can't....and Thats what you should be truthful to yourself....

I mean all that matters is your happiness....

You should be happy.....

Unless and until you are Happy...

You can't be the LOVE..So Be The Love...

You can share your love with happiness...

And be that awsome person!

Dont degrade your self....serve yourself as you serve a guest...

Be the guest of your soul....

Just get pampered with Self Love....

Coz our Face is the mirror image of our heart πŸ’“

Well I love you guys soo much....

You are the Love....

Have a great day 😌


  1. Well written. Keep it up ❤️

  2. As we approach international women's day,This poem has women empowerment relevance."when the world tells you to shrink,expand".This is the message young poet Sherin dawn tells.

    1. Thank you very much,
      Well sir, this applies to all.😍😍

  3. Super....keep going...all the best....

  4. Nicely written...Keep Going.

  5. Best wishes Sherin! ❤️
    Life is all about coexistence, so let's enjoy life at the same time help others too, to enjoy Life.

  6. Well.. Done.. Best wishes πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  7. Such inspirational words😍😍😍😍


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